*** Newest Subscriber ⭐️ Srinath Kunapareddy ⭐️ *** One man took down an entire country's internet In 2021, a hacker by the name of P4x was browsing the internet when he spotted a blog post. The post warned that North Korean hackers were targeting security engineers. Remembering a suspicious file a colleague sent him, P4x jumped on his computer. And to his surprise, the file contained a North Korean backdoor. He immediately contacted the FBI, but the FBI told him there was nothing they could do. So P4x decided to take matters into his own hands. P4x knew that there are only 12 websites in North Korea. So if he wanted to take down the entire internet, he would only need to target a few servers. He also knew that most North Koreans did not have internet access. So if he were to flood the servers with traffic, it wouldn't take long for them to crumble. So P4x found the servers and flooded them for days. This killed the internet. But the impact was minimal. Most of North Korea's hackers work from countries like China. Sources: [https://www.wired.com/story/north-korea-hacker-internet-outage/](https://www.wired.com/story/north-korea-hacker-internet-outage/)